Winter Camp is here.
The government has allowed sport and recreation facilities to open for child care and day camps as an exception in the lockdown regions under the:
Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, S.O. 2020, c. 17
Section 27 & 48
All of our other regular weekly program and private lessons are temporarily suspended until the lockdown has been lifted.
*****Due to the circumstances the aftercare will no longer be available for the Winter Camp*****
Below are the camp flyers which can be downloaded as a pdf can be viewed by scrolling down.
The registration form can be found below. Please fill out and send to the campus you wish to attend.
2020 Winter Camp Registration Form
Please do note that spots are limited due to government and social distancing restrictions.
If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact your local campus.
2020 KC Badminton Winter Camp A ~ Recreational Badminton Camp
2020 KC Badminton Winter Camp B ~ Pathway to Competition Team Camp
2020 KC Badminton Winter Camp C ~ Competition Team Camp